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“中幼网杯” 全国幼儿园优秀教育活动评选

英语教案-It‘s tall

2007-01-23 来源:网络 作者:网络 收藏 复制地址
英语教案-It‘s tall

Unit 1 It’s tall

1. Teaching aims and requirements:

1)   Knowledge:

To enable the students to learn “ It (she he ) is tall (short fat thin )”

2)   Ability:

To enable the students to describe somebody.                               

2.  Main and Difficult Points:

To enable the students to describe something or somebody.

3.  Teaching aids:

A computer, a tape-recorder, some pictures

4.  Teaching procedure:

Step One: Warming exercise

a)    Retell the story “ Grandma Fox ”

b)    Sing the song “ Boy and Girl ”

  Step Two: Presentation

a)    Show the picture of pig and learn the word “fat”.

b)    Use the multi-media to let the pig change into Monkey King and learn the word “thin”.

c)    Show the picture of Yao Ming and learn the word “tall”.

d)    Learn the word “short”.

  Step Three: Practice

a)    Game: help Xiao Xin to pass the river .

b)     Fast Reaction

c)     Make sentences with the four words.

  Step Four: Consolidation

a)    Sing the creating song.

b)    Elicitate students to introduce themselves or their friends to others.


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